Calculators, Formulas and Work with Steps -
Scores :

Score :

Rank :

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Percentile Rank Calculator's percentile calculator, formulas and example work with steps to calculate what is nth percentile of a marks or x is what percentile rank of a group in statistical experiments. This calculator is featured to generate complete step by step calculation to find nth percentile or percentile rank for any corresponding input values.

Input Parameters
Users may supply the values for the below input parameters to find the percentile rank of a particular score or find the nth percentile of scores for correlation r, regression, normal distribution, exponential distribution, etc.

Scores : It's a collection of scores from the examinations or observations for the test of correlation r, regression, normal (uniform) distribution, exponential distribution, etc.

Score : An individual score or observation which is being measured in relative to other scores or observations.

nth Percentile : It's a relative measure of an individual score or observation which stood for nth percentile.

Percentile Formulas

Percentile score is a method used in statistics which compares an individual score to scores of rest of the members in the frequency table. It's a relative standing of a value within a collection, generally calculated from the ratio of scores less than or equal to an individual score to the total number of scores of frequency table, multiplied with hundred. It tells how many members or observations are above or below to an desired individual score.

For example, in the examination there are 15 people appeared in the examination. The scores of people are given in the below table. Find what is the percentile score of A and find 45 is what percentile rank in the examination.

Example table for Percentile
A 89
B 92
C 96
D 96
E 98
F 94
G 35
H 45
I 75
J 86
K 57
L 95
M 98
N 92
O 97

The percentile rank of score 94 is 57.1428%. Users may refer the example problem for percentile rank to understand such calculation.
The 10th percentile of overall score is 45. Users may refer the example problem for nth percentile to understand such calculation.

The difference between percentile and percentage?
Percentile is the relative score of an individual member in frequency table, which measures how many percentage of other members in a group below or above the particular score. Whereas, percentage is a measure of rate or amount in each hundred.


The below formula is mathematical representation for percentile calculation. This formula can be used for correlation r, regression, normal distribution, exponential distribution, etc. to find the relative score of an individual members or to find the percentile score of an individual in examinations like CAT, MAT, NEET etc. Users can refer this formula what are all the input parameters used for percentile rank calculation.

Percentile rank for score formula
Formula to calculate Percentile Rank for score

Formula to find score of nth percentile
Formula to calculate score of nth Percentile

Calculators and Calculations