's Stock Market Calculators, formulas & examples is a collection of resources to study or execute basic to complex calculations online to analyze & predict the share market trends to improve your trading. It’s a complete list of investors tools to execute the fundamental analysis to find the right shares to make the better investments. It’s a complete trading calculators solution with distinct features to help students, individuals, investors, teachers, parents or professionals to learn, teach, know or practice such calculations. These online tools include return on investment (ROI), return on equity (ROE), rate of return (ROR), earnings per share (EPS), yield to call (YTC), yield to maturity (YTM), dividend yield, dividend payout ratio (DPR), net profit margin (NPM), price to earning (P/E) ratio, price to book (P/B) ratio, loan to value (LTV), break even ratio & stock profit to analyze the market trends.