Calculators, Formulas and Work with Steps -

Percentile Rank for the Score of 94

Percentile Calculator

Example problem work with steps and calculation summary to find percentile rank of individual member or score 94 in the frequency table or among scores of examination such as 95, 93, 85, 76, 94, 83, 90, 64, 72, 56, 98 & 56.

Calculation Summary
scores 95, 93, 85, 76, 94, 83, 90, 64, 72, 56, 98 & 56
Percentile 75%

Work with Steps to Find Percentile Rank for Score 94

If X has scored 94 marks in the examination conducted for 12 people. The marks of entire group including X are {95, 93 85, 76, 94, 83, 90, 64, 72, 56, 98, 56}. What is the percentile rank of X?
workout :
step 1 Address the input parameters and values
scores = 95, 93, 85, 76, 94, 83, 90, 64, 72, 56, 98 & 56
score = 94
n = 12

step 2 Arrange the dataset in ascending order
Ascending order : 56, 56, 64, 72, 76, 83, 85, 90, 93, 94, 95 & 98

step 3 Apply input values in the below formula
Number of scores below 94 = 9
Percentile = Number of scores below 94n x 100
= 9/12 x 100
= 0.75 x 100
Percentile = 75%

Calculators and Calculations