Calculators, Formulas and Work with Steps -

Find 65th Percentile of Scores

Percentile Calculator

Example problem work with steps and calculation summary to find 65th percentile of frequency table or the scores of examination 900, 960, 1100, 1157, 850, 954, 649 & 920.

Calculation Summary
scores 900, 960, 1100, 1157, 850, 954, 649 & 920
nth Percentile 65%
score 960

Work with Steps for 65th Percentile

The scores of candidates are {900, 960, 1100, 1157, 850, 954, 649, 920}. What is 65th percentile of these scores?
workout :
step 1 Address the input parameters and values
scores = 900, 960, 1100, 1157, 850, 954, 649 & 920
Percentile = 65%
n = 8

step 2 Arrange the dataset in ascending order
Ascending order : 649, 850, 900, 920, 954, 960, 1100 & 1157

step 3 Find total number of scores
Total nuber of observations in dataset n = 8
Position = n x nth Percentile/100
value at position = 8 x 65/100
= 5.2
Rounding up to the nearest integer gives 6
6th element in dataset is 960
65th percentile of scores is 960

Calculators and Calculations