Calculators, Formulas and Work with Steps -
Coefficient of Variance
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Coefficient of Variance :

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Co-efficient of Variation (CV) Calculator's Co-efficient of Variation (CV) calculator, formula & work with steps to compare relative measure of dispersions or degree of variations between multiple data sets in statistical experiments. It's an online statistics & probability tool featured to generate the complete work with steps for coefficient of variation for any corresponding input values to help grade school students to solve the worksheet problems or to help beginners to learn how to do it manually by applying the values in the below formula.

Coefficient of Variation & its Application

Coefficient of Variation often abbreviated as CV, is a mathematical function or method used in the context of probability & statistics to compare the relative measure of dispersions or degree of variations between multiple data sets in statistical surveys or experiments. It's a unit less quantity calculated from the ratio of standard deviation to mean, generally used to select the best competing model by comparing the CV for different distributions. CV is also called as Relative Standard Deviation (RSD) that expresses which distribution has the lesser uncertainty or closely distributed around the mean. The higher or lower value of coefficient of variation represents higher or lower degree of uncertainty or dispersion of distribution around the mean or common behavior of the distribution. Users may use this coefficient of variation calculator to find the relative measure of dispersion to analyze different sample distributions to select the best competing model which has lesser degree of uncertainty or variability which is very close to the mean.

Formula to Select Best Competing Statistical Model

The below is the mathematical representation for coefficient of variation. Find the standard deviation & mean values of sample distribution and substitute the values in the below formula to estimate the variabilities of different datasets relative to the central location of the data sets. The same formula is used in this coefficient of variation calculator to find the best competing model which has the lesser uncertainty or has the deviation very close to the mean.

coefficient of variation formula to measure the relative measure of multiple distributions
Statistics formula to calculate co-efficient of variation

Step by Step Workout

Grade school students, beginners or learners may generate the complete work with step by step calculation to solve the coefficient of variation worksheet problems or exercises by following the below procedure. Just supply your CV worksheet problems input values and follow the below steps to generate the corresponding work for any given valid input values.
1. supply all the valid input values to the standard error of mean calculator.
2. hit on "CALCULATE" button.
3. hit on the "GENERATE WORK" button after results popped up.
The below are some of the example calculations for coefficient of variation generated by this calculator

Calculators and Calculations