1/13 x 8 = 8/13
1/13 times 8 in fraction form is 8/13 and it is 0.6154 in decimal form.
Learn how to find what is 1/13 times 8 as a fraction just in a few minutes. Multiplying fractions 1/13 and 8 and expressing it in the fraction form is a straight-forward process. In this case, first arrange the fractions in the product expression, check and cancel if any numerators and denominators in 1/13 x 8 cancel each other, and then multiply the numerators together and multiply the denominators together to get the product of fractions. The numerator becomes 1 x 8 = 8, and the denominator becomes 13 x 1 = 13. Therefore, the 1/13 x 8 as a fraction is 8/13.
1/13 times 8 in fraction form:
1/13 x 8 = ?
= 1/13 x 8/1
= (1 x 8)/(13 x 1)
= 8/13
1/13 x 8 = 8/13
1/13 times 8 as a fraction is 8/13.
Understanding how to multiply fractions like 1/13 x 8 is essential in various fields, including maths, science, engineering, finance, cooking and everyday life. The below step by step work helps you to easily understand how to find what is 1/13 x 8 as a fraction.
Solved Example:
What is 1/13 times 8 in fraction form?
step 1 Address the input parameters, values and observe what to be found:
Input parameters and values:
A = 1/13
B = 8
What to be found:
1/13 x 8 = ?
step 2
Arrange the fractions in the product expression:
= 1/13 x 8
= (1 x 8)/(13 x 1)
step 3 Check and cancel if any numerators and denominators in (1 x 8)/(13 x 1) cancel each other, and then multiply the numerators together to get a new numerator and multiply the denominators together to get a new denominator:
= (1 x 8)/(13 x 1)
= 8/13
1/13 x 8= 8/13
1/13 times 8 is 8/13 in fraction form