What is 98/398 simplified as a fraction?
98/398 in simplest form is 49/199.
Learn how to find what is 98/398 simplified as a fraction just in a few minutes. We have covered why the GCF or factorization is important to simplify 98/398 in simplest form.
To reduce 98/398 in its lowest terms, you must be familiar with either how to find the greatest common factor or prime factors. Both of these methods are used to recognize if 98/398 can be reduced in simplest form. In this case, the (greatest common factor) GDF of 98 and 398 is 2. Dividing both the numerator and denominator by GCF, the fraction 98/398 becomes 49/199 which is the simplest form.
98/398 Simplified as a Fraction
Using Factorization:
98/398 = (?)
98/398 = (2 x 7 x 7)/(2 x 199) write 98/398 in terms of factors
= 49/199
98/398 = 49/199
98/398 simplified is 49/199
Using GCF
98/398 = (?)
GCF of 98 and 398 is 2.
98/398 = (98/2)/(398/2)
= 49/199
98/398 = 49/199
98/398 simplified is 49/199 in fraction form
98/398 is the given fraction to be simplified,
49/199 is the lowest term of 98/398.
Notes: 98/398 simplified in lowest terms
1. 98/398 can be simplified only if the GCF of numerator and denominator is greater than 1. In this case, the GCF of 98 and 398 is 2 which is the greatest factor that evenly divides both numerator and denominator, so this fraction 98/398 can be represented in its reduced form.
2. On the other hand, you can also reduce 98/398 in simplest form by using the factorization method. In this case, the numerator and denominator of fraction should be written in the form of prime factors, so the fraction 98/398 becomes (2 x 7 x 7)/(2 x 199). Now you can check and cancel the factors if any factors of numerator and denominator cancel each other to simplify 98/398 in its lowest terms.
step 1 Observe the input parameters and what to be found:
Input values:
Fraction = 98/398
what to be found:
98/398 = ?
Reduce 98/398 in lowest terms.
step 2 Find the prime factors of the numerator of given fraction 98/398.
Prime factors of 98 = 2 x 7 x 7
step 3 Find the prime factors of the denominator of given fraction 98/398.
Prime factors of 398 = 2 x 199
step 4 Rewrite the fraction 98/398 in the form of prime factors as like the below:
98/398= (2 x 7 x 7) / (2 x 199)
step 5 Check and reduce the factors of 98 and 398 if any factors in the numerator and denominator cancel each other:
= (2 x 7 x 7) / (2 x 199)
= ( 7 x 7)/( 199)
98/398 = 49/199
98/398 in simplest form is 49/199.
98/398 simplified is 49/199, representing fraction in lowest terms is a better way than its original form, to easily recognize the fraction or use in mathematical operations. Simplifying 98/398 to its simplest form involves the greatest common factor or factorization. Recognizing the GCF or prime factors of numerator and denominator of a fraction is key when you start reducing fractions like 98/398 in its lowest terms.