Calculators, Formulas and Work with Steps -
Base :

Height :

Area :

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Triangle Area Calculator's triangle area calculator is an online basic geometry tool to calculate the area of a triangle shape, in both US customary & metric (SI) units.

Steps to Find Area of a Triangle

The step by step workout for how to find what is the area of a triangle. Students may use this triangle area calculator to generate work with steps for any other similar input values.
Workout :
step1 Address the formula, input parameters and values
Base = 10 in
Height = 5 in

step 2 Find Area of triangle using base and height values
Area A = bh/2
= (10 x 5)/2 in²
= 50/2 in²
Area A = 25 in²

Triangle & Formula

Triangleis a two dimensional plane or geometric shape with three straight sides and three angles. In other words, it's a polygon with three edges and three vertices. The sum of three angles in a triangle is always equal to 180 degrees (180º). There  are different types of triangle such as Equilateral, Isosceles, Scalene, Acute, Obtuse and Right Angle Triangle. A triangle with three equal length of sides called an equilateral triangle, whereas an isosceles consists of two sides of equal length. K-12 students may refer the below formulas of triangle to know what are all the input parameters are being used to find the area of triangle.

area of triangle formula
Formula to calculate area of triangle

Problems on Finding Area of a Triangle

Below are the practice problems for grade school students, on finding what is the area of triangle. By click on the corresponding problem shows the step-by-step calculation or work with steps for how to find the area of triangle. For any other similar values, use this triangle calculator to verify the results.
Calculators and Calculations