Calculators, Formulas and Work with Steps -
Tank Capacity
Type :

Length :

Width :

Height :

Capacity in Gallon :

Capacity in Liter :

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Cylindrical or Rectangular Tank Capacity Calculator's fuel or water tank capacity calculator is an online basic geometry tool & formulas to measure the capacity of cylindrical or rectangular tank, in US customary & metric (SI) units (Gallons & Liters).

Steps to Find Capacity of a Rectangular Tank

The step by step workout for how to find what is the capacity of a rectangular tank. Students may use this tank capacity calculator to generate work with steps for any other similar input values.Workout :
step 1 Address the formula, input parameters and values
Length = 10 in
Width = 5 in
Height = 8 in

step 2 Input Conversion for length, width, height
Convert in to m all input values
Length = 10 x 0.0254 = 0.254 m
Width = 5 x 0.0254 = 0.127 m
Height = 8 x 0.0254 = 0.2032 m

step 3 Apply the values in volume formula
Volume V = length x width x height
= 0.254 x 0.127 x 0.2032 m³
Volume = 0.0066 m³

step 4 Capacity of Rectangular Tank in Liters
Capacity in Liters = (Volume in cubic meter) x 1000
= 0.0066 x 1000
Capacity in liters = 6.5548

step 5 Capacity of Rectangular Tank in Gallons
Capacity in Gallons = (Capacity in liters) / 3.7854
= 6.5548/3.7854
Capacity in Gallons = 1.7316

Tank Capacity & Formulas

Tank Capacity is a measure of how much maximum Gallons or Liters of fuel or water a cylindrical or rectangular tank can contain, based on its volume space. K-12 students may refer the below formulas of rectangular or cylinderical tank to know what are all the input parameters are being used to find how much gallons or liters of liquid a tank can hold.

cylindrical or rectangular tank capacity formula
Formulas to calculate cylindrical or rectangular tank capacity

Problems on Finding Capacity of Rectangular or Cylinderical Tank

Below are the practice problems for grade school students, on finding what is the capacity of rectangular or cylinderical tank. By click on the corresponding problem shows the step-by-step calculation or work with steps for how to find such values of tank capacity mathematically. For any other similar values, use this polygon calculator to verify the results.
Calculators and Calculations