Calculators, Formulas and Work with Steps -
Simple & Compound Interest

Principal Amount :

Interest Rate :

Duration :

Compounding :

Compound Interest :
Total Sum :

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Simple & Compound Interest Calculator's Simple & Compound Interest Calculator is an online general purpose tool to calculate the simple or compound interest for the given principal amount.

Definition & Formulas

Simple Interest is a measure of time value of money to calculate the interest return for the principal amount on a certain percentage of interest rate for a specific period of time. In simple interest calculation, the principal amount never change, during the interest accumulation period.

SI - simple interest formula
Formula to calculate simple interest

Compound Interest is a finance function or method used in the context of time value of money calculation, often abbreviated as CI, represents the interest on the principal amount on a certain percentage of interest rate for a specific period of time with either monthly or quarterly or half-yearly or yearly compounding frequency, where the principle amount gets changed after every compounding period.

CI - compound interest formula
Formula to calculate compound interest

Calculators and Calculations