Calculators, Formulas and Work with Steps -

What is the Volume of Cone for radius is 9 & height is 6

Cone CalculatorThe volume is 508.938 and surface area is 560.3027 of a cone having base radius of 9 and height of 6, refer the calculation summary and work with steps for detailed explanation.
Calculation Summary
Radius9 in
Height6 in
Volume V508.938 in³
Slant Height 10.8167 in
Surface Area 560.3027 in²
Lateral Surface Area 305.8337 in²

Work with Steps to Find Volume & Surface Area of Cone for r = 9 & h = 6

The radius of cone is 9 inches and the height is 6 inches, find what is the volume, slanting height, lateral surface and the surface area of that cone?
workout :
step 1 Address the formula, input parmaeters & values
Radius = 9 in
Height = 6 in

step 2 Apply radius and height values in below volume formula
Volume V = πr²h/3
= π x (9)² x 6/3in³
= 3.1416 x (81) x 6/3in³
= 1526.814/3in³
Volume V = 508.938 in³

step 3 Apply radius and height in slant height formula
Slant height L = √(r² + h²) in²
= √(9² + 6²) in²
= √(81 + 36) in²
= √117 in
Slant height h = 10.8167 in

step 4 Find surface area using radius, height and slant height
Surface Area = πr(r + r² + h²)
= πr(r + slant height)
= 3.1416 x 9 (9 + 10.8167) in²
= 3.1416 x 9 x 19.8167 in²
Surface Area = 560.3027 in²

step 5 Find lateral surface area using radius, height, ad slant height
Lateral Surafce Area = π rr² + h²
= π x r x slant height
= 3.1416 x 9 x 10.8167 in²
Lateral Surafce Area = 305.8337 in²

Calculators and Calculations