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Long Division Calculator

Long division calculator with step by step work for 3rd grade, 4th grade, 5th grade and 6th grade students to verify the results of long division problems with or without remainder. Generate work with steps for 2 by 1, 3 by 2, 3 by 1, 4 by 3, 4 by 2, 4 by 1, 5 by 4, 5 by 3, 5 by 2, 6 by 4, 6 by 3 and 6 by 2 digits long division practice or homework problems.

Long Division Calculator

Quotient :859
Remainder :3
Calculation and Summary
11945288  65  55  102    99      3
Dividend : 9452
Divisor : 11
Quotient : 859
Remainder : 3

How to do Long Division with Decimal

Just supply the values of dividend, divisor and hit on ENTER button to find the Quotient and Remainder in decimal. The step by step work reveals how to do long division between different combination of dividend and divisor. By using this long division calculator, users can perform division with remainder or without remainder which comprises large numbers.

Solved Example for Long Division

What is the Quotient and Remainder for 9452 divided by 11 using long division method?

The below solved example of 4 by 2 digit long division with remainder may useful to understand how to do long division manually for assignment, classwork and homework problems.

  1. Arrange the 4-digit dividend and 2-digit divisor numbers for long division method and compare if the the first two digits of dividend 9452 is bigger than the divisor 11.
  2. Check how many times the divisor can be accommodated in the 94 and write the value as part of quotient. The divisor 11 can be accommodated 8-times in 94. Write 8 as the most significant digit of quotient.
  3. Find the difference between 94 and product of 8 and 11, if any. 6 is the difference between 94 and 88.
  4. Bring down the 3rd digit of initial dividend and append (not adding) it to the right side of remainder 6 to form the new dividend. Hence, the new dividend becomes 65
  5. Compare if the new dividend 65 is greater than the divisor 11 and check how many times the divisor can be accommodated in the new dividend formed by brining down the 3rd digit. The divisor 11 can be accommodated 5-times in 65. Append the value 5 (number of times) right to the earlier quotient 8. Hence, the remainder becomes 85 now.
  6. Find the difference between 65 and product of 5 and 11, if any. 10 is the difference between 65 and 55.
  7. Bring down and append 4th digit 2 to the right side of earlier difference 10. Hence the new dividend becomes 102.
  8. Check how many times the divisor 11 can be accommodated in the new dividend formed by brining down the 4th digit. The divisor 11 can be accommodated 9-times in 102. Append the value 9 (number of times) right to the earlier quotient 85. Hence, the remainder becomes 859 now.
  9. Check for the difference between 102 and the product of 11 and 9. Due to no more digits available for bringing down, the final difference 3 is the decimal Remainder of dividend 9452 divided by 11.
This long division calculator supports large number divisions.Use this long division calculator which supports large numbers in divison. Users can supply up to 9-digit dividend and up to 7-digit divisor to perform or verify the long divison problems.

Calculators and Calculations