Age, Birthday and Zodiac Sign Calculator's Age, Birthday and Horoscope Sign Calculator is an online general purpose tool to calculate an exact age, horoscope (zodiac, sun or birth) sign and the calendar date and day of your next birthday, based on your birthdate. Users may get the answers for the following queries by using this age calculator
how old am I exactly?
what is my horoscope or birth sign?
does my next birthday fall on weekdays or weekend?
what are the horoscope signs of Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un?
what is the birth sign of Justin Trudeau?
what is the birth sign of Lionel Messi?
does my zodiac sign matches with Justin Bieber?
Users also can compare the horoscope or age, birth signs, birthdates and next birtday between two celebrities by using this age, birthday and zodiac sign comparison calculator.
How Old Are You Exactly?
Want to know how old are you exactly? Want to know how many months and days left for your birthday? Want to know what's the calendar date and day of your next birthday? Want to know your zodiac or sun sign? Just supply your birthdate in MM/DD/YYYY format or choose from the calendar to know the answers for all these questions by using this age calculator.