Calculators, Formulas and Work with Steps -

Find Cylinder Volume, Surface Area & Lateral Surface for r = 9, h = 11

Cylinder CalculatorVoumen of a cylinder is 2799.1591, surface area is 1130.9734 for the given radius(r) is 9 and height(h) is 11, refer the calculation summary and work with steps for detailed explanation.
Calculation Summary
Radius9 in
Height11 in
Volume V2799.1591 in³
Surface Area 1130.9734 in²
Lateral Surface Area 622.0353 in²

Work with steps to find Cylinder Volume & Surface Area for r = 9, h = 11

Find what is the volume, surface area and lateral surface area of cylinder which has the radius of 9 inches and height of 11 inches?
Workout :
step 1 Address the formula, input parameters and values
Radius = 9 in
Height = 11 in

step 2 Apply radius and height values in below volume formual
Volume V = πr²h
= 3.1416 x 9² x 11 in³
= 3.1416 x 81 x 11 in³
Volume V = 2799.1591 in³

step 3 Find Surface Area using radius and height values
Surface Area A = 2πrh + 2πr²
= (2 x π x 9 x 11) + 2 x π x (9)² in²
= (2 x 3.1416 x 9 x 11) + 2 x 3.1416 x 81 in²
= 622.0353 + 508.938 in²
Surface Area = 1130.9734 in²

step 4 Find Lateral Area using radius and height values
Lateral Area = 2πrh
= 2 x 3.1416 x 9 x 11 in²
Lateral Area = 622.0353 in²

Calculators and Calculations