Calculators, Formulas and Work with Steps -

Correlation between {7000, 7500, 6500, 5000, . . . , 12000} & {5200, 5500, 5750, 4300, . . . , 8300}

Correlation Coefficient CalculatorSolved example problem, work with steps & calculation summary for correlation (r) between {7000, 7500, 6500, 5000, . . . , 12000} & {5200, 5500, 5750, 4300, . . . , 8300} to estimate the linear relationship or to find if the data linearly, non-linearly, positively or negatively correlated in statistical experiments.
Calculation Summary
Data set x{7000, 7500, 6500, 5000, 7500, 9000, 9500 & 12000}
Data set y{5200, 5500, 5750, 4300, 6000, 8900, 7200 & 8300}
Correlation Coefficient (r)0.8572

Work with Steps for Correlation r = 0.8572

Find the correlation between this below income & expense report.
Income 7000 7500 6500 5000 7500 9000 9500 12000
Expense 5200 5500 5750 4300 6000 8900 7200 8300

Workout :

step 1 Address the formula, input parameters and values
data set x = {7000, 7500, 6500, 5000, 7500, 9000, 9500 and 12000}
data set y = {5200, 5500, 5750, 4300, 6000, 8900, 7200 and 8300}
Total number of elements (n) = 8

step 2 Find x̄ & ȳ
x̄ = 64000/8
x̄ = 8000
ȳ = 51150/8
ȳ = 6394

step 3 To find coefficient correlation follow below the table

xyX = x - x̄Y = y - ȳX2Y2XY
70005200-1000-1193.751000000 1425039.06251193750
75005500-500-893.75250000 798789.0625446875
65005750-1500-643.752250000 414414.0625965625
50004300-3000-2093.759000000 4383789.06256281250
75006000-500-393.75250000 155039.0625196875
9000890010002506.251000000 6281289.06252506250
950072001500806.252250000 650039.06251209375
12000830040001906.2516000000 3633789.06257625000
∑x = 64000∑y = 51150∑X = 0∑Y = 0∑X2 = 32000000∑Y2 = 17742187.5∑XY = 20425000

step 4 Substitute ∑x, ∑y, ∑xy, ∑x2 & ∑y2 value in the below correlation coefficient formula

r = ∑XY∑X2. ∑Y2

∑XY = 20425000, ∑X2 = 32000000, ∑Y2 = 17742187.5

r = 2042500032000000 x 17742187.5

step 5 Simplify above expression

= 204250005.6775E+14

= 2042500023827505.1149

r = 0.8572

Thus 0.8572 is the correlation between x = {7000, 7500, 6500, 5000, 7500, 9000, 9500 and 12000} & y = {5200, 5500, 5750, 4300, 6000, 8900, 7200 and 8300}

Calculators and Calculations