Decimal Calculator
Decimal calculator - An all-in-one and easy to use online tool for decimal to binary, decimal to octal and decimal to hex conversion, and generate work with steps. It also supports decimal addition, subtraction, multiplication and division operations with more precise results.
Decimal number is the base-10 number system uses 0 to 9 to represent any values, is the most generic & commonly used number system.
Number Conversions :
The below step by step conversions may useful to understand how to perform conversions between decimal, binary, hex and octal numbers.
Decimal to Binary Conversion
Decimal to binary conversion can be made through successive division of 2 or MOD-2 method. Perform the successive MOD-2 operation for the given decimal number and note down the remainder (either 0 or 1) for each operation. The last remainder is the MSD (most significant digit) and the first remainder is the LSD (least significant digit). Write the remainders from MSD to LSD provide the equivalent binary number. Refer this below workout to understand how to convert base-10 decimal to base-2 binary number, or use this decimal calculator to easily find out the binary equivalent for a given decimal number.
Divisor | Decimal | Remainder | |
2 | 5 | 1 | LSD |
2 | 2 | 0 | |
1 | MSD |
Use this decimal to binary converter calculator for quick conversions, arithmetic operations and to generate the complete step by step work for such conversions
Decimal to Hex Conversion
Decimal to hex conversion can be made through successive division of 16 or MOD-16 method. Perform the successive MOD-16 operation for the given decimal number and note down the remainder (either 0 to 1 or A to F) for each operation. The last remainder is the MSD (most significant digit) and the first remainder is the LSD (least significant digit). Write the remainders from MSD to LSD provide the equivalent hexadecimal number. Refer this below workout to understand how to convert base-10 decimal to base-16 hex number, or use this decimal calculator to easily find out the hex equivalent for a given decimal number.
Divisor | Decimal | Remainder | |
16 | 283 | B | LSD |
16 | 17 | 1 | |
1 | MSD |
Use this decimal to hex converter calculator for quick conversions, arithmetic operations and to generate the complete step by step work for such conversions.
Decimal to Octal Conversion
Decimal to octal conversion can be made through successive division of 8 or MOD-8 method. Perform the successive MOD-8 operation for the given decimal number and note down the remainder (either 0 to 7) for each operation. The last remainder is the MSD (most significant digit) and the first remainder is the LSD (least significant digit). Write the remainders from MSD to LSD provide the equivalent octal number. Refer this below workout to understand how to convert base-10 decimal to base-8 octal number, or use this decimal calculator to easily find out the octal equivalent for a given decimal number.
Divisor | Decimal | Remainder | |
8 | 92 | 4 | LSD |
8 | 11 | 3 | |
1 | 4 | MSD |
Use this decimal to octal converter calculator for quick conversions, arithmetic operations and to generate the complete step by step work for such conversions.
Decimal Numbers Arithmetic
Learn how to perform addition, subtraction, multiplication & division between two or more decimal numbers from the below information.
Decimal Addition
Decimal addition is the result of corresponding place value addition between two or more decimals from right to left. The result of place value addition is more than 1 digit, the right most digit of the result of place value addition written in the answer and the remaining digits added to left adjacent place value if any, otherwise, the whole number will be written in the result. Refer this below decimal addition solved example to understand how to carry out decimal addition, or use this decimal calculator to easily find out the sum of two or more decimal numbers.
Add the decimal numbers A = 819 and B = 909
Solution :
+ 909
Sum 1728
Decimal Subtraction
Decimal subtraction is the result of corresponding place value subtraction between two or more decimals from right to left. In general, subtraction has three basic elements as they are minuend, subtrahend and difference. The place value of the subtrahend is bigger than the minuend then the value of 10 will be borrowed from the left adjacent digit of the minuend and added to the place value. Refer this below decimal subtraction solved example to understand how to carry out decimal addition, or use this decimal calculator to easily find out the difference between two or more decimal numbers.
Subtract 909 from 987.
Solution :
- 909
Difference 78
Decimal Multiplication
Decimal multiplication can be achieved by performing the successive addition. In general, the multiplication has three basic elements as they are multiplicand, multiplier and product. Refer this below decimal multiplication solved example to understand how to carry out decimal multiplication, or use this decimal calculator to easily find out the product of two or more decimal numbers.
Multiply 15 with 12.
Solution :
Product 180
Decimal Division
Decimal division can be achieved by performing the successive subtraction. In general, the division has four basic elements as they are dividend, divisor, quotient and remainder. Refer this below decimal division solved example to understand how to carry out decimal division, or use this decimal calculator to easily find out the quotient and remainder while a decimal number is divided by another.
Divide 956 by 9 & find the quotient & remainder.
Solution :
Remainder 2
The quotient is 109 & remainder is 2
This decimal calculator is a simple and easy to use online tool for decimal to octal, decimal to hex and decimal to binary conversion. Apart from all these conversions, it also supports decimal addition, decimal subtraction, decimal multiplication and decimal division operations. Therefore, it is an all-in-one decimal calculator to easily find the answers for base-10 to base-2, base-8 and base-16 conversions, including arithmetic operations between two or more decimal numbers. It also generates the complete work for decimal conversion to help learners to easily understand how to convert decimal numbers into other number systems.